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  • Regional update: Two new hospitalizations, Public Health says older seniors will be prioritized for vaccine

    The vaccination campaign in the region is underway. The current priority group is those aged 65 or older. At the end of this post you will find information about how to make an appointment and what you will need the day of your vaccination.

    Although the age group for vaccinations has decreased, there are still many seniors in priority groups that haven’t been successful in obtaining appointments. Many of those seniors were put on waiting lists after calling the vaccination assistance phone number.

    Spec journalist Gilles Gagné asked Public Health to explain why younger people are being added to the list when so many seniors still haven’t been able to secure a vaccination appointment.

    Jean Morin, the spokesperson of the Public Health Board clarifies the situation by saying “normally, even if we still vaccinate people aged 70 or more, we would gradually open the vaccination schedule for the people aged 65 and more. The word gradually is important here because we must make sure that vulnerable people and people aged 70 and more have all received their first vaccine before greeting the 65 and over. Simply put, the people aged 70 plus will be prioritized.”

    Vaccination Appointment Dates Available for ages 65

    • Port-Daniel Gascsons – Centre municipale – No dates available
    • Bonaventure – Complexe recreatif Desjardins – No dates available
    • Grande-Riviere – Complexe sportif Desjardins – No dates available
    • Maria – Centre communautaire Maria – No dates available
    • St-Georges-de-Malbaie – Centre communautaire – No dates available
    • Gaspé – Centre d’hebergement MGR Ross – No dates available
    • Gaspé – Centre communautaire Nation Micmac de Gespeg – No dates available
    • Sainte-Anne-des Monts – Magasin Hart – No dates available

    On March 26 The Gaspé Peninsula and Magdalen Islands region will change to Alert Level 2 – Yellow. With the change in alert level the following restrictions will apply:

    • travel between regions not recommended
    • no curfew
    • private gatherings – two households
    • public gatherings – two households, exception for funerals (50 people) no food or alcohol may be served
    • Religious gatherings 250 people (weddings and funerals 50 people)
    • restaurants – people from two households may sit at the same table (you must have id to prove you live in that region where the restaurant is located)
    • bars – open (details available soon)
    • community organizations – max 25 participants

    The Gaspé Peninsula and Magdalen Islands is experiencing a break in cases today, as no new cases were announced by Public Health. Unfortunately, two new hospitalizations were announced today. There were 3 new cases of COVID on Wednesday (Avignon +1 and Côte-de-Gaspé +2) and 4 on Thursday (Rocher-Percé +1, Côte-de-Gaspé +1 and Haute-Gaspésie +2).

    Regional numbers:

    • Total cases: 1,753
    • Total new cases: 0
    • Active cases: 14
      • Avignon – <5
      • Rocher-Percé – <5
      • Côte-de-Gaspé – 6
      • Haute-Gaspésie – 5
    • Recovered cases: 1,693
    • Total deaths: 46
    • Total hospitalizations: 128
    • Current hospitalizations: +2

    Provincial numbers:

    • Total cases: 300,916
    • Total new cases: 764
    • Recovered cases: 283,478
    • Total deaths: 10,587
    • New deaths: +11
    • Current hospitalizations: 504
    • New hospitalizations: -15
    • Total individuals in ICU: 99
    • New individuals in ICU: -2
    • Total vaccinations administered: 872,459

    To make an appointment online these are the steps to follow

    • Go to (Select Covid-19 vaccine, enter your postal code and click search)
    • You will be directed to a new page/tab, browse the options and choose the location nearest you.
    • A window will pop up reminding you of the current priority group click to “close” the window
    • Answer the questions and click continue.
    • You will now be directed to a calendar. Click on the date in which you would like to have your vaccination. If the calendar is blank or if it says “full” is means there are no availabilities for that location. Try another location or check back regularly as new dates will become available. *Please be careful, sometimes locations in Montreal are accidentally listed under our region.
    • Next you will have to complete a form and will need an email address and your medicare card number.

    If you are unable to make an appointment online or need assistance call 1-877-644-4545 (toll-free line) between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday or 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.

    When you go to your vaccination appointment

    • Arrive 5 minutes early
    • If possible bring your medicare card
    • Bring a copy of your list of medications
  • Get organized: Learn to love your laundry

    This 5-part series may inspire you to organize and simplify your home. It’s a new year and a fresh opportunity to clean up, clean out and develop ways of storing and managing your stuff

    Week 4 – Learn to love your laundry

    Wash. Dry. Fold. Repeat.

    It’s the job that never ends. You gather it, sort it, wash it, dry it, fold it and put it away. Then it starts all over again.

    A few easy tips may help you to get ahead of it, or at least keep up with it.

    Each member of the family can have their own laundry basket. No sorting afterwards wondering what belongs to who.

    Buy all the same socks for each person.  Providing you can find a sock you love to wear, if all your socks are the same pairing is easy! Singletons (that is when one sock is missing from a pair) simply become “spares” rather than outcasts.

    If you have a large family designate a washing day for each person. Post their day. It is their task to take their laundry to the washer on their day.  Depending on their age they can wash their own, get some help or an adult can wash it. This teaches a lot about personal responsibility. Kids can fold from a young age. It does not have to be perfect.

    To avoid washing an item multiple times, use a stain remover spray, the sooner the better for best results.

    When you clean the lint out of the dryer, save it to make fire starters. Simply stuff the lint into a used toilet paper roll.

    Minimize the number of shower/bath towels, particularly if you have teens, by assigning everyone a hook for their towel. A large towel does not have to be washed every time you bath or shower.

    Use cold water except for bedding, towels and heavily stained work clothes.

    Overusing laundry soap can create so many suds that they actually trap dirt which goes back on the laundry. If your front-loading washer smells stinky that may be the result of too much soap. Use less.  If the smell persists run a hot water cycle with 2 cups of vinegar.

    If your whites are looking a little gray it might mean you need to use hotter water. It may also be caused by overloading the washer.

    Using a dryer sheet or fabric softener helps to reduce winkles. Remove the clothing as soon as they are dry and fold them or hang them up right away.

    Prepare the laundry. It takes just a few seconds to “unball” the socks or unroll sleeves.

    Environmentally conscious? Yes, we all try. Dryer balls can take the place of dryer sheets. They reduce drying time, fluff and separate items and can be used up to 1,000 times.  Use a half cup of vinegar in laundry that is especially “aromatic.”  Hang your laundry out to dry.

    We may not love doing the laundry, but it feels great when it is all put away!  Then begin again.