Gaspesians near and far turn to the pages of The Gaspé Spec to find out what’s happening on the coast.
Spec, the weekly voice of the Gaspé, keeps many up-to-date on all news from home. With its special emphasis on the English-speaking community, our weekly newspaper has become a way in which many former Gaspesians maintain direct contact with their roots.
Every week Spec offers news, social notes, birth, death and marriage notices, as well as, items of special interest to anyone with a connection to the Gaspé. There are feature articles, lots of photos, and even a fun page with handy tips and poetry written by, for, and about Gaspesians. In the spring, a special Tourist Guide can help you plan your visit home. From time-to-time, historical pieces inform you about the Gaspé’s fascinating past.
Homesick for the Gaspé?
Spec has the cure!