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Get Organized Week 2: A Place for Everything

This 5-part series may inspire you to organize and simplify your home. It’s a new year and a fresh opportunity to clean up, clean out and develop ways of storing and managing your stuff

Week 2 – A Place for Everything

Ever heard this expression?  “A place for everything and everything in its place.”  How do you feel about it? Though you do not have to say it repeatedly to your family, it is a helpful rule to follow when organizing your home. Whether your home is big or small you will be pleased with yourself when you can find the scotch tape, your keys or your bank statement.

         Some very easy guidelines can help you to achieve maximum house organization bliss.

These are the guidelines:

  1. Choose a place where items will be kept.
  2. Most importantly, return the items to that spot after you use them.

That’s it! If you do this, and convince your family to do so as well (that’s the challenging part) you will save so much time previously spent searching for things.

 A few ideas:

Put a bowl near the door and always put your car keys in it. Like most people I have spent time searching for my keys and that one little bowl prevents all that wasted time.

Install a hook for each person in the family to hang their bath/shower towel. No more wet towels on the floor or the bed. On wash day just grab them off the hooks.

Store things that are alike together. Keep pens and other desk supplies in one drawer or small tub. Important papers can be easily located if they are in one spot and labelled. (More about that in Week 3)

Photos can be stored in plastic tubs or albums, rather than in a variety of drawers and boxes.

Tools are items that we often have to search for. They are left in the last spot where they were used!      A small tool box with commonly used items might be handy. Just return them to their ‘place’ after using them.

Keep all medications in one basket, out of reach of children. If you are searching for the bottle of Tylenol it would be so simple to look in the basket… and find it there! No hunting required.

Keep all cords and chargers in one drawer. Everything seems to need to be charged now and all require different chargers. This includes Fitbit watches, some toys, cell phones, new electric blankets and portable Bluetooth speakers.

A place for everything and everything in its place.


Regional update: Public Health releases vaccine distribution stats

There is one new case of COVID-19, that case is located in the MRC of Bonaventure. The total number of cases in the region now totals 1695. Five individuals are currently hospitalized, two are hospitalized in the region. Regionally, since the beginning of the pandemic, 124 people were hospitalized.

There are currently 9 active cases in the region:

  • Avignon MRC – less than 5
  • Bonaventure MRC – less than 5
  • Rocher-Percé MRC – 5
  • Côte-de-Gaspé MRC – 0
  • Haute-Gaspésie MRC – 0
  • Magdalen Islands – 0


The CISSS has confirmed that the first vaccination drive has finished. Vaccinations will continue, as soon as new doses of the vaccine are made available. “It is important to emphasize that the Gaspesian population will be informed, sector by sector, of the progress of the vaccines and will have all the necessary information to easily and carefully follow the progress of the vaccinations,” states a CISSS press release. In addition, the CISSS says, all means of communication will be implemented so that everyone will be able to have their questions answered and know exactly the procedure to follow in order to be vaccinated. However, Regional director of public health, Dr. Yv Bonnier Viger would like the public to continue to be vigilant, even if the daily regional situation appears to be positive. “We must not forget that the health measures that we ask the population to apply must be followed rigorously until a good percentage of the population is vaccinated,” states Dr. Yv Bonnier Viger.

6301 doses of the vaccine were administered in the region.

6002 people with an address in the Gaspé Peninsula and Magdalen Islands received one dose of the COVID vaccination. This represents 6.6% of the Gaspé Peninsula Magdalen Islands population.

26% of those vaccinated were over 80 years of age.

54.4% of the doses were administered to health care workers (including caregivers).

14% of the doses were administered to residents of RPAs (private residences for seniors).

7.7% of the doses were administered to residents of CHSLDs (government owned long-term facilities).

5.9% of the doses were administered to people with at least one chronic illness (excluding residents of CHSLDs, RPAs and health care workers).

18% of the doses were categorized as “other”.

96% of CHSLD residents have been vaccinated, the majority of the remaining 4% having refused the vaccine.

67% of the vaccines used in the region were Pfizer.

33% of the vaccines used in the region were Moderna.

Provincial numbers:

  • Total cases 256,002
  • Total new cases +1,166
  • Recovered cases 230,803
  • Total deaths 9,577
  • New deaths +57
  • Current hospitalizations 1,324
  • New hospitalizations +3
  • Total individuals in ICU 217
  • New individuals in ICU (stable)
  • Total vaccinations administered 224,879
  • New vaccinations administered +5,927